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P5ClockD,й`x̯Tx̱ lLP4thpȷxxH/proc/self/pagemap7OsLayer Log: page cache will be flushed as needed Log: region number %d exceeds region count %d hdUnknownAssertion failed at %s:%d os.ccProcess Error: Can't seek %x Process Error: Can't read %x Process Error: Can't write %x to %x /dev/cpu/%d/msrLog: can't seek to msr %x, cpu %d Log: I'm Feeling Lucky! /proc/bus/pci/%02x/%02x.%xProcess Error: Unable to open PCI bus %d, device %d, function %d (errno %d). /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepagesLog: /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages read did not provide data Process Error: /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages is surprisingly large Report Error: %s : %s : %d : %ds Warning: Invalid Report Error: %s : %s : %d : %ds Log: Failed to read msr %x core %d Log: Failed to write msr %x core %d DIMM Unknown%sLog: Region %d mask 0x%s Process Error: sysconf could not determine memory size. Procedural Error: %lld is bigger than the total memory available %lld Warning: Overriding memory to use: original %lld, current %lld Procedural Error: Not enough hugepages. %lldMB available < %lldMB required. Log: Total %lld MB. Free %lld MB. Hugepages %lld MB. Targeting %lld MB (%lld%%) %s: __pos (which is %zu) > this->size() (which is %zu)basic_string::eraseunknown failureProcess Error: failed to access %s with errno %d (%s) /proc/sys/vm/drop_cachesLog: failed to open %s - err %d (%s) 1Log: failed to write %s - err %d (%s) Process Error: non zero paddr_base %#llx is not supported, ignore. Log: Prefer POSIX shared memory allocation. Log: You may need to run 'sudo mount -o remount,size=100% /dev/shm.' Log: Prefer using hugepage allocation. Log: Prefer plain malloc memory allocation. Log: failed to allocate shared hugepage object - err %d (%s) Log: sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=XXX allows hugepages. Log: failed to attach shared hugepage object - err %d (%s). Log: failed to remove shared hugepage object - err %d (%s). Log: Using shared hugepage object 0x%x at %p. /stressapptestLog: failed to allocate shared smallpage object - err %d (%s) Log: failed to ftruncate shared smallpage object - err %d (%s) mapped as neededLog: Using posix shared memory object 0x%x %s. Log: Using mmap() allocation at %p. Log: Using memaligned allocation at %p. Process Error: memalign returned 0 Log: You are trying to allocate > 1.4G on a 32 bit process. Please setup shared memory. Process Error: PrepareTestMem mmap64(%llx, %llx) failed. error: %s. Process Error: ReleaseTestMem munmap(%p, %llx) failed. error: %s. vector::_M_fill_insertvector::_M_fill_insertLog: %d nodes, %d cpus. ??t( l`XPH<0x ph`~3264128256Process Error: Confused by bus width %d BrokenProcess Error: Out of bounds pattern access Log: initialized %d data patterns Zero2fdFive7Checker8b10bShort8b10bLong8b10bFiveA8FiveAJustAJustFiveJustOneJustZeroOneZerowalkingZeroswalkingInvOneswalkingOnesProcess Error: pthreads mutex failure %d W(WpWW$W W3Satlogger.hUsage: ./sat(32|64) [options] -M mbytes megabytes of ram to test --reserve-memory If not using hugepages, the amount of memory to reserve for the system -H mbytes minimum megabytes of hugepages to require -s seconds number of seconds to run -m threads number of memory copy threads to run -i threads number of memory invert threads to run -C threads number of memory CPU stress threads to run --findfiles find locations to do disk IO automatically -d device add a direct write disk thread with block device (or file) 'device' -f filename add a disk thread with tempfile 'filename' -l logfile log output to file 'logfile' --no_timestamps do not prefix timestamps to log messages --max_errors n exit early after finding 'n' errors -v level verbosity (0-20), default is 8 --printsec secs How often to print 'seconds remaining' -W Use more CPU-stressful memory copy -A run in degraded mode on incompatible systems -p pagesize size in bytes of memory chunks --filesize size size of disk IO tempfiles -n ipaddr add a network thread connecting to system at 'ipaddr' --listen run a thread to listen for and respond to network threads. --no_errors run without checking for ECC or other errors --force_errors inject false errors to test error handling --force_errors_like_crazy inject a lot of false errors to test error handling -F don't result check each transaction --stop_on_errors Stop after finding the first error. --read-block-size size of block for reading (-d) --write-block-size size of block for writing (-d). If not defined, the size of block for writing will be defined as the size of block for reading --segment-size size of segments to split disk into (-d) --cache-size size of disk cache (-d) --blocks-per-segment number of blocks to read/write per segment per iteration (-d) --read-threshold maximum time (in us) a block read should take (-d) --write-threshold maximum time (in us) a block write should take (-d) --random-threads number of random threads for each disk write thread (-d) --destructive write/wipe disk partition (-d) --monitor_mode only do ECC error polling, no stress load. --cc_test do the cache coherency testing --cc_inc_count number of times to increment the cacheline's member --cc_line_count number of cache line sized datastructures to allocate for the cache coherency threads to operate --cc_line_size override the auto-detected cache line size --cpu_freq_test enable the cpu frequency test (requires the --cpu_freq_threshold argument to be set) --cpu_freq_threshold fail the cpu frequency test if the frequency goes below this value (specified in MHz) --cpu_freq_round round the computed frequency to this value, if set to zero, only round to the nearest MHz --paddr_base allocate memory starting from this address --pause_delay delay (in seconds) between power spikes --pause_duration duration (in seconds) of each pause --local_numa choose memory regions associated with each CPU to be tested by that CPU --remote_numa choose memory regions not associated with each CPU to be tested by that CPU --channel_hash mask of address bits XORed to determine channel. Mask 0x40 interleaves cachelines between channels --channel_width bits width in bits of each memory channel --memory_channel u1,u2 defines a comma-separated list of names for dram packages in a memory channel. Use multiple times to define multiple channels.sat.ccProcess Error: Physical address %#llx is greater than expected %#llx. Fatal Error: cannot open file %s for logging Fatal Error: cannot seek to end of logfile (%s) Process Error: failed to allocate memory Process Error: failed to initialize patternlist Log: Printing tested physical ranges. Log: Done printing physical ranges. Log: %#016llx - %#016llx Stats: Completed: %.2fM in %.2fs %.2fMB/s, with %d hardware incidents, %d errors Stats: Memory Copy: %.2fM at %.2fMB/s Stats: File Copy: %.2fM at %.2fMB/s Stats: Data Check: %.2fM at %.2fMB/s Stats: Net Copy: %.2fM at %.2fMB/s Stats: Invert Data: %.2fM at %.2fMB/s Stats: Disk: %.2fM at %.2fMB/s Log: Initializing WorkerStatus objects Log: Spawning worker threads Log: Spawning thread %d Status: FAIL - test encountered procedural errors Status: FAIL - test discovered HW problems Status: PASS - please verify no corrected errors Stats: SAT revision %s, %d bit binary 1.0.7_autoconfLog: %s from %s marek @ jessie on Wed May 4 18:45:36 CEST 2016open source releaseLog: Joining worker threads Log: Joining thread %d Log: Finished countdown, begin to result check Log: Join all outstanding threads Log: Reaping thread status %d Process Error: Thread %d failed with status %d at %.2f seconds Log: Thread %d found %lld hardware incidents Process Error: freepages < neededpages. Stats: Total: %lld, Needed: %lld, Marked free: %lld Process Error: not enough pages for IO Stats: Total: %lld, Needed: %lld, Available: %lld Log: Allocating pages, Total: %lld Free: %lld Process Error: while initializing empty_ list Starting Fill threads: %d threads, %d pages Starting Fill Threads %d: %d pages Thread %d failed with status %d at %.2f seconds Log: Done filling pages. Log: Allocating pages. Log: Done allocating pages. Log: didn't tag all pages. %d - %d = %d Log: Region %d: %d. Log: Region mask: 0x%x Log: Deleting worker threads Log: Destroying WorkerStatus objects Log: Deleting thread %d Log: Installing signal handlers Log: Launching worker threads Log: Starting countdown with %d seconds Log: User exiting early (%d seconds remaining) Log: Exiting early (%d seconds remaining) due to excessive failures (%lld) Log: Seconds remaining: %d Log: Injecting error (%d seconds remaining) Log: Pausing worker threads in preparation for power spike (%d seconds remaining) Log: Worker threads paused Log: Resuming worker threads to cause a power spike (%d seconds remaining) Log: Worker threads resumed Stats: Found %lld hardware incidents Log: Uninstalling signal handlers Log: Starting worker threads Log: Skipping error poll thread due to --no_errors flag Log: cores = %s, expected %s Log: Starting invert threads Log: Starting disk stress threads Log: Starting cpu stress threads Log: DiskThread::SetParameters() failed Log: RandomDiskThread::SetParameters() failed Log: Starting cpu cache coherency threads Log: Using %d as cache line size Log: Running cpu frequency test: threshold set to %dMHz. Process Error: This platform does not support this test. Process Error: The cpu frequency test requires --cpu_freq_threshold set to a value > 0 Process Error: The --cpu_freq_round option must be greater than or equal to zero. A value of zero means no rounding. Log: Defaulting to %d copy threads Log: disk at %s /sat_disk.a/sat_disk.bProcess Error: No memory found to test. Process Error: Memory tag mode incompatible with disk/network DMA. Log: Flooring memory allocation to multiple of 4: %lldMB Log: Unsupported system. Running with reduced coverage. Process Error: Unsupported system, no error reporting available Log: Command line option '-A' bypasses this error. Log: Decoding memory: %dx%d bit channels,%d modules per channel (x%d), decoding hash 0x%x Process Error: Failed to initialize OS layer Log: Running in monitor-only mode. Will not allocate any memory nor run any stress test. Only polling ECC errors. Process Error: Initialize Pages failed Log: Commandline - %s Stats: Starting SAT, %dM, %d seconds --coarse_grain_lock-M--reserve_memory-H-s-m-i-c--cc_inc_count--cc_line_count--cc_line_size--cc_test--cpu_freq_test--cpu_freq_threshold--cpu_freq_round-C-l-v--printsec--no_timestamps--max_errors-p--filesize--local_numa--remote_numa--findfiles--force_errors--force_errors_like_crazy--stop_on_errors--no_errors-F-W-A--read-block-size--write-block-size--segment-size--cache-size--blocks-per-segment--read-threshold--write-threshold--destructive--monitor_mode--tag_mode--do_page_map--paddr_base--pause_delay--pause_duration-d--random-threads-f-n--listen--channel_hash--channel_width--memory_channel-h--help Unknown argument %s Log: Updating page size to %d Process Error: Invalid page size %d Log: Only one memory channel...deactivating interleave decoding. Process Error: Triple-channel mode not yet supported... sorry. Process Error: Channels 0 and %d have a different count of dram modules. Process Error: Amount of modules per memory channel is not a power of 2. Process Error: Channel width %d is invalid. Process Error: Chip width x%d must be x8 or greater. $P|ԁp,PWP?CF\^@n@n$ؕL` T \h t$L#L4Ȱ\ Xx$\`?\HlD  8?XX",?|tx?x t"+ -$5TBlFGHPlKLN OQQPpRSUXHZ\d__)`p$v vw$wlx,py<y${@pЁ4d44 y| h o  `(ooottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttWUUUUUWUJJJJZZZZZZZZUUUUUUUUUUUU @ @ @ @@ @ @ @  @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ GCC: (GNU) 4.9.1A6aeabi,7-A A   ".shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.note.gnu.build-id.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rel.dyn.rel.plt.init.text.fini.rodata.ARM.extab.ARM.exidx.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.jcr.dynamic.got.data.bss.comment.ARM.attributes 44PP !pp$4o,> ` F  No,[oj (s ` |hh" wtt")  (($`LLgpLLw   @XXh 0pч7